Письмо в америку образец

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Как оформить письмо в америку образец​

[Ваше имя]

[Ваш адрес]

[Город, индекс]



[Имя получателя]

[Адрес получателя]

[Город, штат, индекс]


Dear [Имя получателя],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been a while since we last corresponded, and I wanted to take the opportunity to catch up with you and share some updates from my end.

First and foremost, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed our last conversation. It was great to hear about your recent trip to [место, где был получатель], and I’m glad to hear that you had such a wonderful time. Your stories were truly captivating, and they made me realize how much I miss our times together.

Life here has been quite eventful lately. [Расскажите о последних событиях в вашей жизни. Например: I recently started a new job at [название компании], and it has been both challenging and rewarding. The team is fantastic, and I’m learning a lot every day. Additionally, I’ve taken up [новое хобби или интерес], which has been a refreshing change from my usual routine.]

In addition to that, [если есть какие-то важные события в семье, упомяните их: My family has been doing well. My [родственник, например: sister] recently graduated from [название учебного заведения], and we are all very proud of her accomplishments. We had a small celebration in her honor, and it was a joyous occasion.]

I’m also looking forward to [будущие планы: visiting you sometime soon, our upcoming family reunion, etc.]. It would be wonderful to catch up in person and share more stories and experiences. Let me know your availability in the coming months, as I would love to make plans accordingly.

Please give my best regards to [упомяните общих знакомых или членов семьи, если уместно]. I look forward to hearing from you soon and hope we can continue our correspondence more regularly.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Wishing you all the best and hoping to hear from you soon.

Warm regards,

[Ваше имя]

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